Todd Hoover has been extremely active in the Democratic Party. He is the recording secretary
and web master for the Democratic Club of the Santa Clarita Valley.
He is also very active in the community, and along with his wife Minerva, he maintains the
scvyoungdems web page, which
provides information on local Democratic events, important community events, Democratic candidates,
and an extensive list of employment opportunities. He has also served on the Los Angeles County
Democratic Party Central Committee for the past five years and is an Eboard member of the
Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley, and is currently serving on the California Democratic
State Central Committee.
In 2008 Todd was awarded the prestigious Eleanor Franklin Roosevelt Award.
In 2011, he also won the Truman Award for being an outstanding Democrat.
Todd has worked extensively in the IT field. He worked for 13 years at Northrop Grumman
and is currently working for Hewlett Packard in the Midrange Automation Asset Management System group.
Please see his resume for
more details.
Todd maintains an extensive album of pictures and a huge
collection of videos of
various Democratic functions and other significant public events. In addition he has pictures posted on
Google, and The Signal.
You can contact Todd by email at